Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Collaborative Sight Word Search

We worked in collaborative teams to search for sight words in our class big books. We had two searchers, one pointer, one hand-raiser/communicator, and one cube/score keeper (every team member helped search for words, but the two searchers had all of their focus on the words).
When a sight word (specific ones were listed on the board) was located by a searcher, the pointer would keep a finger on it while the communicator raised a hand to get my attention. Then, once I confirmed the find, the Score Keeper would collect one linking cube from me and add it to the team's tower (5 cubes was the total). Great teamwork, kiddos!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October is Fire Safety Month

A visitor came to our school today! He showed us all about fire and bad weather safety. We went to the portable Fire House and he demonstrated what a tornado and fire look, sound, and feel like. It was a great learning experience! Do you have your fire escape and family plan in place?

Monday, October 6, 2014

October Crafts

Our class made scarecrow glyphs this week! After reading some really great books with scarecrows as the main character, we decided to make our own. What better way to do it than by making ours to represent important characteristics about ourselves!
We also decorated our door as one GIANT pumpkin. After adding some 3D vines, we attached any pumpkins that came back from our Family Project Pumpkin to our class patch!